DJ Love

Monday, May 11, 2009

8 Months old

Today DJ is 8 months old, we are amazed at how mobile he is and how quickly he is changing!

He is completely mobile and moving at warp speed. Or at least it feels that way when you are following him around. He is FASCINATED with cords and all things that are bad for him, I see the true boy coming out! He is getting more teeth and the top two front teeth have broken through and we are just waiting for their descent.

We are so lucky to have a happy and smiling baby, everywhere we go people tell us how happy he is.

We for Mother's Day went to church and then brunch and visited the zoo. We had a nice time with Grandma as she was able to join us as well. It was great weather and a great time.

We then came home and worked outside, well DJ and I played while Devon worked. It is funny how much he loves specific toys and we are quickly weeding out the ones he has outgrown and replacing them with great ones that are continuing to develop his sensory and tactile skills. Bubbles are a new fun toy and they are easy to use! He has managed to feed himself Cheerios and Sweet Potato puffs frequently however, is still fighting the sippy cup. We are learning to choose our battles, he is as stubborn as his parents and will happily show you who is boss!

Three Generations

The Mau Family

1 comment:

Grandma said...

It was great fun to get to see you on Sunday, DJ. As soon as I'm actually well, I'm coming over to give you a hug and kiss. Love, Grandma.